Float Cam Üretimi ve Düz Cam Özel Projeler » Float Cam Üretim ve Özel Projeler » Düzcam Paketleme Hatları | SDC İç ve Dış Ticaret A.Ş.

Gantries for taking packs and laying cases for the automatic management of plate handling in storage stocks.
Such gantries, through a self-fitting grip system, expressly designed for executing these operations, can take and transport in few seconds packs or cases of over 3500 kg in very wide storage houses.

Anthropomorfous robot with double-grip frame for laying the protective nylon and positioning the wooden structures on packs.
The use of such flexible machine allows gantries work during the operations carried out by the robot, reducing so the risks due to the presence - otherwise necessary- of people in their working area

Process and packing zone consisting in 4 independent islands (Loading/unloading, bonding of protective nylon, laying of lateral protections and strapping) for the optimization of packing times.
The intervention of operators is bound to laying of lateral protections that can be carried out in full safe conditions even interacting with the rest of the line.

Automatic strapping system for closing packed cases.
